Last day in Chayi, they are going to miss this City a lot.It has been a kind of the advantage of the food.We visited the traditional market as our breakfast and even lunch. And then we went to the shop which has been running over 40 years.  At night

This is our route below:

Day 1:Longyi temple>>Danayiku>>Fechifu>>Accommodation

Day 2:Accomadation>>Alishan scenic area>>Lucnch@Chiay suburb>>share house>>night market

Day 3:traditional market>>city tour>>night market

Day3 City tour

  • Dongmen Market

자이 전통시장 msut to try돼지고기를 넣은 쫀득한 튀김만두


Cold noodle and meat ball

자이 Deeply fried meat ballsIMG_7395IMG_7401 was making rice sausage IMG_7399Radish cake

IMG_7396yup, just thumb up!!

IMG_7402Star Fruit with Soda

  • Liu Li Zhang Turkey Rice shop


You can not imagine how the people detour so many foods in the morning but they still continue finding some special food.Therefore, we were going to Turkey rice shop. In Chiayi, there are a lot of turkey rice shop and each shop has their own flavor.You can not tell which one is the best restaurant.However, just find a turkey shop and enjoy it.



最後修改日期: 2018-12-17